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FuseMetrix and the rule of Six

Following Boris Johnson’s rule of six announcement last week to limit the number of people meeting indoors and out, FuseMetrix boffins have been hard at work!
We have added some advanced features enabling you to control capacity, booking quantity and party size at your attraction. 
You can do this by clicking the ‘Booking Dashboard’ in the left-hand menu and selecting ‘Setup Location Experiences’. You will see the locations set up on the left-hand side, and your experiences listed on the right-hand side. Click ‘settings’ and you will be able to set three different variables:

  1. Limit total number of people allowed in a session (This variable is suitable if you operate your business with capacity’s based around minutes rather than people). 
  2. Limit total number of bookings allowed in a session (This variable is useful to limit the number of groups).
  3. Limit number of people in booking (This variable is suitable to limit the number of tickets within a booking).
Using these variables can limit the total number of people allowed in a session at any given time. 
Click here to watch FuseMetrix and the Rule of Six:
